When you see the lawyer CODE OF CONDUCT, you know that the law firm works with five elements, all of which contribute to giving you the best possible advice and which also help to ensure that the law firm acts in a socially responsible manner. The five elements are:

  1. Openness
  2. Social responsibility
  3. Handling of ethical dilemmas
  4. Focus on clients and employees
  5. Diversity and diversity

Read more at https://advokatkodeks.dk/

Bachmann/Partners supports the recommendations in the Danish Ministry of Taxation’s guidelines against cross-border tax evasion

We are against illegal tax planning and do not proactively advise on this. On the other hand, it is our duty and mission to help those citizens and companies who may have been caught in the middle and who need our help to resolve their outstanding balances.

The recommendations are as follows::

  • Tax advice should, as far as possible, be given on the basis of the necessary factual information. In cases where advice is given on a general basis without information on the facts and without precise knowledge of the intended use of the advice, the adviser should pay particular attention.
  • The tax adviser should also pay particular attention if unusual solutions are requested or if the advice involves the use of so-called tax haven countries. Any tax advice should be based on the assumption that all relevant information can withstand the light of day. It is unacceptable to base advice on the assumption that a matter will not be discovered.
  • Where there is reasonable doubt about the tax assessment and it is not resolved, the advice should include a note to that effect. Whether a more detailed assessment should be made of the risk of SKAT challenging the tax assessment depends on the specific assignment and the specific client’s
  • Depending on the circumstances, the adviser should consider relevant issues in addition to the specific tax treatment, such as the risk of negative publicity. The precise scope of this depends on the specific assignment and the specific client’s circumstances.

The provisions of the Code of Conduct on tax advice

Based on the recommendations of a working group set up by the Danish Bar and Law Society, the Danish Bar and Law Society has decided that as of 1 July 2019 the Code of Conduct will be expanded with a special section on lawyer’s tax advice. The new rules in the Code of Conduct are to a large extent an incorporation of the recommendations made by the Committee on Strengthened Counselling and Industry Cooperation against Cross-Border Tax Evasion in 2014. Since 2016, Bachmann/Partners Law Firm has chosen to follow these recommendations.