Bachmann/Partners has great knowledge and experience in the automotive industry with regard to both VAT and duties. We are involved both when legislation is passed in the area and when SKAT’s administration of the legislation challenges the automotive industry. Our services include counselling and risk management, which protects the client against unforeseen tax claims, and we also conduct many fundamental complaints and legal proceedings against SKAT on behalf of car dealers and the leasing industry. Are you ready for a tax inspection? Read the brochure here.
Our compliance reviews at car dealerships ensure order and transparency and are a great advantage when SKAT visits to check compliance with the rules. Contact Diana Mønniche or Peter Hansen if your car or leasing company would like a quote for a compliance review or would like to hear more about this offer.
Diana Møniche
| Advokat – Attorney-at-law, Partner
Diana Mønniche is partner at Bachmann/Partners Law Firm. She has very comprehensive experience regarding VAT, customs and excise duties. She has been working with these issues co…
Phone: +45 20 71 78 62
Click for more information→Ann Rask Vang
| Advokat – Attorney-at-law, Partner
Ann Rask Vang is a partner at Bachmann/Partners Law Firm. She works with business law, company law, taxation and dispute resolution.
Phone: +45 20 94 78 21
Click for more information→Peter Hansen
| Advokat – Attorney-at-law, Partner
Peter Hansen is a partner at Bachmann/Partners Law Firm. He has comprehensive experience regarding tax related issues. He has been working with different aspects of tax …
Phone: +45 40 32 35 35
Click for more information→